Japanese Schoolgirl Upskirt

Check out this upskirt pic of a Japanese schoolgirl bending over to pick up her briefcase and showing off her white thong under her skirt.

Japanese Schoolgirl Upskirt


  1. I fuck all her holes

  2. I wanna slam my black cock in an Asian girl’s pussy really bad 🙂 2674749161

  3. Curtis, you need to keep your nigger ass in the ghetto banging those monkeys you call sistahs, and leave real women to real men – WHITE men.

  4. LOL Rhyan Lee

  5. I would love to tap that ass!!! DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. i would tap dat

  7. A-men Rhyran Lee, screw the niggers. They just tear up the pussy and the women can’t enjoy love making anymore. Screw them all.

  8. You racist sacks of shit, I happen to be white but I’m comfortable enough with myself to not fear other races cos that’s where it stems from an that’s a proven fact, awwww does the big black man scare you, you’re just like little kids, scared of the dark lol

  9. nice ass if i could tap that i would tap that allday long

  10. Love the japanese chicks but come on guys, haved yall ever been with 1? I havednt… Atleast not yet

  11. Is there a site 2 follow kats blog?

  12. Rhyan Lee, Nofreakinway: I see the point in those comments, necessarily that you don’t care for the retarded myth that that black men are somehow “well endowed”. My view on this urban myth is negative as well, seeing as the world’s biggest phallus belongs to a white dude and before him another white dude, then before him another white dude… and so on.

    DTK: Shut up, ya PC faggot. You’re going to bitch and wail at these guys for what they say, but not say a word about mister “I’m a gangsta on the internet and have a big nigger dick”? Get your head outta your ass.

    As for the pic… eh. Could be better… the arse is pretty sloppy, so unless you like settling for third place…

  13. she can sit on my face and jump up & down on it like a rubber ball with my long tong fucking her pussy real deep inside of it

  14. I heard asian pussy taste better than white pussy. becouse I date both of them and had sex with both of them

  15. sadly my 2 inch scottish cock wouldnt be enuff to penetrate her tight hole AYE

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